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  • 70+ practice materials
  • Weekly refills
International base of research in the field of micronutrient therapy. Reviews from independent laboratories, a lot of practice and real cases from nutritionists, IV therapists and other health professionals from around the world.

What's included in the e-Library?

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70+ practice materials
Articles, reviews, research on micronutrient therapy, medicine, cosmetology and IV therapy, as well as our recommendations for implementing techniques in business. It will be useful for both independent specialists and clinics.
Research and reviews
Analysis of dietary supplements, their interaction with drugs, research and conclusions from independent laboratories from around the world and much more.
Integration into business processes
How to launch new techniques in the business processes of the clinic. Real cases from clinic managers and market leaders.

We publish materials and professional opinions on topical issues

Coenzyme Q10
#Micronutrients | views: 1245
Metabolism and Metabolic Control
#Health | views: 1987
Microbiota and Probiotics
#Health | views: 1198
lpha-linolenic acid
#Micronutrients | views: 1397

Micronutrients in the practice of a specialist

#Business | views: 1245

Laboratory research

#Research | views: 1987

Angela Simak
Founder & CEO
Continuous learning experience is an integral part of the professional path of medical and health professionals.

We work together with European universities, laboratories and professional associations to create the most diverse and relevant environment for the development of market professionals.

What does a subscription give?

20% discount on all certified online courses
Access to the E-library 24/7 from anywhere in the world
Possibility to obtain CPD certification after testing
* Billed annually; $23,88 for the first year
Join nutrition and micronutrient experts with evidence-based knowledge and advanced clinical skills.